INGOL-spol. s r.o.

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760 01 Zlín, Česko
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INGOL-spol. s r.o. Company Information

Hlavní informace

Why you should travel with Ingol?


- we have long-year experience in Mongolia - already for more than 20 years
- we have our own camps, own staff, own equipment
- we guarantee safety of our clients
- our guides guarantee as successful fishing as possible within the frame of natural conditions
- our clients will not have organizational problems, misunderstandings and disappointments in this exotic country
- we will remove all communicational barriers
- we will organize your trip as quickly as possible without loss of time, money or enthusiasm


- we offer several own camps in the roughest areas of Mongolia for all those who are looking for relaxation in the wild nature
- we have long-year experience with organizing of trips in unharmed nature with our own staff and own equipment for tourism
- we care for safety of our clients
- one important part of our offer is always an experienced guide who knows local conditions
- we save your time, money and nerves by eliminating all negative experience on this exotic trip
- according to a client's wish we can offer different levels of difficulty and adrenaline experience

Smetanova Zlín

Otevírací hodiny
Společnost má parkoviště.
Telefonní číslo
Sociální účty
Klíčová slova
cestovní kancelář

INGOL-spol. s r.o. Recenze

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